Sixth Form Geography


Board:     AQA

Type:       GCE A Level

School:    Sturminster Newton High School

Contact: Mr R Pettit & Mrs H Laidier

 Why study Geography?

This exciting course examines the nature of local and world environments and the relationships between them and human beings. It is an up‐to‐date and relevant syllabus that builds on skills and concepts studied at GCSE level.


What will I learn?

Some of the topics of study you will be involved in include rivers, climatic hazards, ecosystems, population dynamics, rural settlement and economic activity.


What are the entry requirements?

Minimum: GCSE grade 5 in Geography (if studied)

Ideal: GCSE grade 6 in Geography

This is an academic subject that requires you to have an interest in the world around you and its peoples. You will need to be confident at carrying out your own enquiries into questions, issues and problems, using fieldwork as an important tool to help you.

If Geography GCSE is not one of your five grades 9‐4 you will have an interview with the Head of Department.


How will I be assessed?

Component 1 - Physical Geography

2hr 30min written exam 40% of A level

Section A: Water and Carbon Cycles

Section B: Coastal Systems and Landscapes

Section C: Hazards

Component 2 ‐ Human Geography

2hr 30min written exam 40% of A level

Section A: Global systems and Global Governance

Section B: Changing Places

Section C: Contemporary Urban Issues

Component 3 ‐ Geographical Investigation    

Assessed by teacher, moderated by AQA. 20% of A Level

3000‐4000 word individual investigation


What do students do after studying Geography?

This subject is acceptable for both science and arts degree courses at university. There are enormous possibilities for careers open to geographers, ranging from town and country planning to geologists to economists. Above all it is widely accepted as a subject providing you with an extensive variety of skills.